Goodbye Sesame... Hello Hemp Heart!


We’re excited to share that our Whole Grain Health bread is now made with hemp hearts (instead of sesame seeds)! 

Hemp hearts, the soft inner part of hemp seeds, compliment our grain-packed and subtly sweet Whole Grain Health bread with a pleasant nuttiness. They are incredibly nutrient-dense–packed with plant-based protein and healthy omega 3s and 6s–and have many evidence-based benefits from heart to digestive health. Last but certainly not least, hemp is a sustainable crop that helps replenish the health of the soil in which it grows. A win-win-win.


The backstory: Earlier this year sesame seeds became an allergen. Instead of putting them in everything (as many bakeries have done), we challenged ourselves to do better. After much research and testing, we made the swap to hemp hearts.

Break Bread, Make Peace!


Meet One of Our Mills: Farmer Ground Flour


Meet Our Farm Partner: Oechsner Farms